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Showing posts from October, 2021

Easy Way To Build An Audiobook Using Python

  An audiobook is nothing but a book that was recorded in an audio format. It can also be stated as a book that is being read aloud. Audiobook helps in improvising one's vocabulary, comprehension and pronunciation of words. Hope some of you guys are bookaholic but lazy to read it on your own. So it's time to create your own audiobook by using few codes of Python. This will definitely make you enjoy audiobooks without any subscription fee, that was imposed on platforms like Audible, Scribd, etc. Prerequisite Python has a huge number of modules that contains reusable code which performs desired functions when invoked. It must be installed into your system before using its functionalities. So here we going to grab just 2 modules from a bunch of python modules prevailing around. Install PyPDF2 module, using                     pip install PyPDF2 Install pyttsx3 module, using                     pip install pyttsx3 PyPDF2 module It is one of the Pure-Python libraries that runs on an